Mythical Nāga (နဂါး) | Silk Twilly


Product Description

The Mythical Nāga (နဂါး) twilly blends vibrant colors with a captivating depiction of the mythical Nāga, this premium twilly offers style and cultural identity at the same time.

This twilly, offering a creative and colorful touch, can complement in various ways to one’s everyday style and look.

Product Info

Material: Silk Dull Satin
Size: 46” x 3” (One Size)

Imported. Proudly Made in Myanmar.

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Product Description

The Mythical Nāga (နဂါး) twilly blends vibrant colors with a captivating depiction of the mythical Nāga, this premium twilly offers style and cultural identity at the same time.

This twilly, offering a creative and colorful touch, can complement in various ways to one’s everyday style and look.

Product Info

Material: Silk Dull Satin
Size: 46” x 3” (One Size)

Imported. Proudly Made in Myanmar.

Product Description

The Mythical Nāga (နဂါး) twilly blends vibrant colors with a captivating depiction of the mythical Nāga, this premium twilly offers style and cultural identity at the same time.

This twilly, offering a creative and colorful touch, can complement in various ways to one’s everyday style and look.

Product Info

Material: Silk Dull Satin
Size: 46” x 3” (One Size)

Imported. Proudly Made in Myanmar.

  • Nāga - dragon-like serpents with great powers, enemies of the Garudas, are divine, semi-divine deities, or a semi-divine race of half-human half-serpent beings that reside in the netherworld (Nagaloka) and can occasionally take human form.

    Rituals devoted to these supernatural beings have been taking place throughout South Asia for at least two thousand years. They are principally depicted in three forms: wholly human with snakes on the heads and necks, common serpents, or as half-human half-snake beings in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. 

    They are common and hold cultural significance in the mythological traditions of many South Asian and Southeast Asian cultures.

    Nāga are described as being able to swim through the earth as if it was water and fly in the sky. According to the Bhuridatta Jataka the 6th of the 10 last lives of the Buddha, the Buddha was a Nāga prince.

    In Buddhism, Nāga are often represented as guardians and the Nāga king Muchalinda, who sheltered the Buddha from rain for seven days while he was deep in meditation, is beautifully depicted in the 9th–13th century Buddhas across South and South East Asia. 

  • Fabrix Premium Collection items are Directly Shipped from Myanmar (Burma).

    Processing Time: 3-5 Business Days

    Standard Shipping (United States) | 12-18 Business Days

    Standard Shipping (Canada) | 15-20 Business Days

    Standard Shipping (Europe) | 12-18 Business Days

    Standard Shipping (Asia Pacific) | 7-12 Business Days

    Standard Shipping (Middle East) | 7-12 Business Days

    Returns: Return requests can be made within 30 days of your item(s) delivery.

    Click here for more information about delivery & return options.

  • We recommend dry cleaning your twilly.

    Preserve the beauty of your Premium Silk Twilly by storing it flat and untied.

    Ensure to avoid contact with water and other liquids.

  • Recommendation: Compare these measurements with a similar product you have at home to find the right size. For best results, place the product on a flat surface when measuring.

    For more information, please visit Product Information.

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